More hands make light work

More 4 rebrand

To realise the rebrand 4Creative and ManvsMachine commissioned Jason Bruges Studio as Production Designers for the new More 4 live-action installation with help from students of Middlesex University.

I was part of the small production team that constructed and implemented the installation that became the mechanically animated installation that would represent more4’s new creative identity. The idents will be broadcast between programmes, like Grand Designs (a favourite of mine). See the making of and the finished idents below:

The many skills gained by myself @ Middlesex were invaluable to me. Admittedly in the early stages I was a bit timid and quite frankly a little bit intimidated by the calibre of designers we were working with, but as time does what it does best I quickly recovered my confidence and took charge of the work that I was a part of (hopefully this made an impression!).

Although I was just able to catch the launch of the new brand in the UK before I departed to Barbados (my home), I was happy to see it through to the very end. From the parts and assembly and testing in the Studio, to Logistics, and implementation on set, The memory of this project will live among my proudest moments!

2 weeks, 400+ units and alot of hard work = five stunning new idents for More 4 (UK television channel)




Linzi Clips